Sunday, August 24, 2014

I'm going to try this again!

I started this blog as a graduate school project and then went on with my life.  Much has changed since I tried the first time.  Now after reading and following other teacher blogs and the awesomeness that is Pinterest, I have learned to keep it simple!  This is my second year teaching 5th grade (sorta).  Last year I was hired as Title 1 reading teacher by the district I actually live in.

For a variety of reasons a teacher left teaching at the end of October.  I had been in that classroom helping out.  I volunteered to step in as a long-term sub and then I accepted the class full-time.  What a transition!  I had Meet the Teacher/Open House in November!  So this is actually my first, first 9 weeks as a 5th grade teacher.  I hoping that some fellow teachers will share the journey with me.   I need to learn maybe more than I need to teach or share.  Right now I am passionate about building a learning community both in my classroom and through social media.  What are you passionate about at the beginning of the school year?

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