Albert Einstein once said, "If you can't explain something simply, you don't understand it well enough." In my quest to understand what I teach, and how best to teach it, I am starting this blog. I have wanted to blog for a long time but time is not something a teacher has, and I have always been impressed and a bit jealous of all the fabulous teacher blogs I have read. How do they have the time? What am I doing wrong? But you make time for something that drives you. This summer I took a class and was given permission to fall in love with writing again. Now I don't want to stop. I also presently need a voice. Like many teachers I struggle with being "just a teacher." The irony is that I am entering my second year as a Literacy Coach, which just means that now people say, "A what? What does that mean?" I given up trying to explain it because some days I am not even sure. And somedays it really means nothing. It was easier when I could say, "I teach 3rd grade." (The teaching wasn't easier just explaining my job was).
Anywho back to that class I am taking. I needed a final inquiry project that would make use of what I have learned. The class is reading and writing informational text, so with professor support here is my project. But I will continue to blog even after the class is over. So thanks for giving me a kick in the pants. The name of the blog comes from what other people have said about me, sometimes they just say that I am driven (not always as a compliment), but I am driven because I am sooo passionate about teaching and learning. I hope you are too and that we can journey together as we become and stay passion-driven teachers.
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